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House of Lilith

Who We Are

House of Lilith is a federally recognized 501(c)3 charitable Nonprofit Organization and a 508(c)1(a) Religious Organization. 


Our Mission

House of Lilith affirms our belief in the spiritual and social wisdom of community and connection, social justice, and mutual aid.


We aspire to stand in fellowship with peoples of all religions, spiritualities, cultures, and ethnicities in our shared desire for fellowship, inclusivity, accessibility, diversity, and equity. 


Religious Purposes

  • Creating and sustaining a spiritual family wherein members support one another in our spiritual growth, healing, and personal aspirations.

  • Sponsoring and facilitating celebrations and ceremonies for holidays and other special occasions in our local communities and virtually.

  • Working together to heal and protect the environment within our local communities.

  • Sharing our spiritual and healing practices, beliefs, knowledge, experiences, and skills.

  • Educating others about our spiritual and healing practices and beliefs.

  • Facilitating the practice of our personal beliefs in the form and manner most suitable for members.

  • Providing a safe and supportive environment for free religious expression.

  • Identifying and training caring and competent spiritual and healing ministers to serve our local and online communities.

  • Organizing and facilitating programs which support our mission and demonstrate our beliefs by example.

Charitable Purposes
  • Activism against institutional corruption and toward peace, social justice, accessibility, inclusion, equity, and the like.

  • Advocacy on behalf of the abused, discriminated, persecuted, and oppressed.

  • Providing mutual aid through food banks, community gardens, resource acquisition, provision of basic needs, linkage to community resources, and the like.

  • Personal counseling, mentoring, and peer support.

  • Medical aid, guidance, resources, and system navigation.

  • Education, training, interviews, lectures, and writings.

  • Spiritual aid, guidance, mentoring, support, and teaching.

Our Pillars of Belief

The inherent dignity and worth of each person. 

All persons possess inherent worth and dignity, including the right to define who we are for ourselves. No person's identity or bodily autonomy should be subjected to or dictated by laws and/or legislation. We affirm the right of competent adults to engage in safe, healthy, consensual relationships with other competent adults.


Compassion, equity, and justice in human relations. 

We support unfettered access to basic human and civil rights, including education, housing, food, clothing, transportation, healthcare (including reproductive care and gender affirming care), and the like. We seek to enable the full engagement of individuals with disabilities in the organization, community, and society. 


Support and encouragement of spiritual and personal growth. 

We respect and value all religions. However, the concepts of evangelism, proselytizing, and/or persecution of those who do not hold our same beliefs have no place in our spiritual practices. 


Acceptance and support of one another. 

We pursue charitable causes to support and promote connection within our communities, both virtually and in-person: food banks, community gardens, clothing, hygiene products, books, referrals to resources, service linkage, system navigation, ministerial support, and the like. 


A responsible, meaningful, and free search for meaning and truth as personally defined. 

We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy within our spiritual organization, though we do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who courageously give of themselves in leadership. 


The right of conscience within our organization, communities, and society. 

Spiritual works and healing practices are done for positive and helping purposes, spiritual development, healing, guidance, safety, protection, justified retribution, and the like. We do not seek power through the sufferings of others, nor do we accept that personal benefit can be derived only by the denial of human and civil rights of another. 


The goal of community with justice, liberty, and peace. 

Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working together to build a diverse, multicultural community by our actions that accountably dismantle discrimination and oppression in ourselves and our institutions. We seek to develop and sustain local partnerships to build community capacity and resilience. 


Respect for the interdependent web of all existence. 

We conceive of nature and humanity as manifesting through polarity and duality - as feminine and masculine - and that this same polarity and duality lies in all people and functions through interaction of the feminine and masculine. We value neither above the other, knowing their relationship to be symbiotic. 

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